Sticky Note
If both the parents donate same factors of a character is called _____?
اگر والدین دونوں ایک کردار کے ایک جیسے عوامل عطیہ کریں تو _____ کہلاتا ہے؟
  1. Homologous
  2. Heterologous
  3. Homozygous
  4. Heterozygous

Homozygous refers to the state where an individual inherits two identical copies of a gene (one from each parent) that code for the same trait or characteristic.

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  2. Digestive tract
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  1. mol dm^-3
  2. mol^-2 dm^6
  3. mol^-1dm3
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  1. Diarrhea
  2. Immunization
  3. Stomach upset
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  2. Hallucinogen
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  1. After infection
  2. Before infection
  3. During infection
  4. All are Correct
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