Sticky Note
The small segment of DNA which has information to code one protein is called ______?
ڈی این اے کا وہ چھوٹا حصہ جس میں ایک پروٹین کوڈ کرنے کی معلومات ہوتی ہیں ______ کہلاتا ہے؟
  1. Nucleotide
  2. Polynucleotide
  3. Gene
  4. Exon

A gene is a small segment of DNA that contains the information needed to encode a single protein.

It is the basic unit of heredity and is made up of a sequence of nucleotides (DNA building blocks) that are organized into codons, which specify the amino acids that make up a protein.

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  2. Before infection
  3. During infection
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