The electricity from a cell is called?
سیل سے نکلنے والی بجلی کو _____ کہتے ہیں؟
- Direct Current (DC)
- Alternating Current (AC)
- Electric Potential (EP)
- Electric Resistance (ER)
- The electricity from a cell (such as a battery) is Direct Current (DC).
- It is the flow of electric charge in one direction only, without changing direction.
- This is the type of current used in electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and televisions.
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- John Archibald Wheeler
- Stephen Hawking
- Albert Einstein
- None of these
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شور کی آلودگی/شدت ______ میں ماپا جاتا ہے؟
- Decibels (dB)
- Hertz (Hz)
- Watts (W)
- Meters (m)
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- Jupiter
- Venus
- Mars
- Mercury
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- Hydroelectricity
- Fossil fuel
- Solar energy
- None of these
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- Frank Low
- David Gregory
- George Gamow
- None of these
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