Sticky Note
Who started Quit India movement in India?
ہندوستان میں ہندوستان چھوڑو تحریک کس نے شروع کی؟
  1. Gandhi
  2. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
  3. Gopal Acharya
  4. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

On 8 August 1942 at the All-India Congress Committee session in Bombay,

 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi launched the 'Quit India' movement.

The next day, Gandhi, Nehru and many other leaders of the Indian National Congress were arrested by the British Government.

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  1. 1951
  2. 1956
  3. 1962
  4. 1973
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  1. Liaquat Ali Khan
  2. Quaid e Azam
  3. Abdul Ghuffar Khan
  4. None of these
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  1. 30 September 1947
  2. 3 September 1947
  3. 10 September 1947
  4. 20 September 1947
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں

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