In which hijri year Qibla was change?
قبلہ کی تبدیلی کس ہجری میں ہوئی؟
- 4
- 3
- 5
- 2
The change of Qibla occurred In 2 Hijri years (624 AD)
During the Zohar prayer, the change of Qibla happened.
Masjid al-Qiblatain is one of the three oldest mosques in Islamic history
Additional information:
The change of Qibla occurred after the 18 months of migration of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to Madina
The first Qibla Muslims prayed for is Al-Aqsa mosque المسجد الأقصى (Bait Al-Maqdis بيت المقدس)
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