Sticky Note
Who developed the polio Vaccine?
پولیو ویکسین کس نے تیار کی؟
  1. Richard Gatling
  2. Joseph Priesty
  3. Jonas Edward Salk
  4. Christian Schomberg
  5. None of these

in the early 1950s, the first successful vaccine was created by US physician Jonas Salk.

Salk tested his experimental killed-virus vaccine on himself and his family in 1953

First used Salk vaccine in 1955 ( in activated)


A live attenuated (weakened) oral polio vaccine developed by Dr. Albert Sabin and first used in 1961.

Israel launched a polio vaccine drive after 1988 in April 2022

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  1. Library of Congress (USA)
  2. British Library (UK)
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