How many Makki and Madni surah in Holy Quran?
قرآن پاک میں کتنے باب ہیں؟
- 113
- 114
- 116
- None of these
the number of Makki Surah is 86
the number of Madni is 28
Madani Surahs revealed in Year = 10
Makki Surahs revealed in Year = 13
The Medni Surahs typically have more and longer ayat
The Makki Surahs typically have more and short ayat
Additional Information
The number of verses in the Quran is 6,666.
The total number of verses in Quraan is 6,236 excluding Bismillah and 6349 including Bismillah.
The total number of Surah in the Holy Quran is 114
There is Juz 30 in the Qur'an.
There are 14 Sajda talawat in the Quran.
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- None of these
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- None of these
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- Surah Al-Baqarah
- Surah Al-Tawbah
- Surah An-Nisa
- None of these
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
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