USA secretary of state said: It will responds quickly and appropriately if ___ government attacked chemical weapons again.
امریکی وزیر خارجہ نے کہا: اگر ___ حکومت نے دوبارہ کیمیائی ہتھیاروں سے حملہ کیا تو وہ فوری اور مناسب جواب دے گا۔
- Turkey
- Syria
- Russia
- Iran
The US Secretary of State said that the US will respond quickly and appropriately if the Syrian government attacks chemical weapons again.
This statement was made after the Syrian leader, Bashar Assad, used chemical weapons against his own people.
The US, along with France and Britain, struck targets in Syria as punishment for Assad's actions.
President Trump also mentioned that the US is prepared to sustain the response until the Syrian regime stops its use of prohibited chemical agents.
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- France
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- None of these
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- Russia
- America
- China
- None of these
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- Donald Trump
- Joe Biden
- Bill Clinton
- Donald Blome
- Barack Obama
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