Sticky Note
The time light takes from Sun to reach Earth is _____?
سورج سے زمین تک پہنچنے میں روشنی کا وقت _____ ہے؟
  1. 8 minutes
  2. 25 minutes
  3. 45 minutes
  4. None of these

Studies show that it takes an average of 8 minutes and 20 seconds for sunlight to move from the sun to the earth.

Sunlight moves at the speed of light.

You can see that the distance of the sun from the earth = 149.6 x 106 km.

Photons emitted from the surface of the sun need to traverse the vacuum of the universe to reach our eyes.

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  2. Mars
  3. Jupiter
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  2. Earth
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  1. 3 months
  2. 5 months
  3. 4 months
  4. 6 months
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  2. Earth
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  4. Mars
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