Sticky Note
Who discovered that Malariais transmitted by mosquito?
کس نے دریافت کیا کہ ملیریا مچھر سے پھیلتا ہے؟
  1. Edward Jenner
  2. Alexander Fleming
  3. Louis Pasteur
  4. Ronald Ross

Ronald Ross was a medical doctor who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1902 for his work on the transmission of malaria.

He belonged to the British.

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  1. Sweden
  2. Norway
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  4. None of these
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  1. Sweden
  2. Rome
  3. Norway
  4. None of these
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  1. Jon Fosse
  2. Annie Ernaux
  3. Han Kang
  4. None of these
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  1. Climate change and the economy
  2. Analysis of the financial markets
  3. How institutions are formed and affect prosperity
  4. Models of economic growth
  5. None of these
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں

مندرجہ ذیل میں سے کس کو 2024 کا نوبل انعام اکنامکس نہیں دیا گیا؟
  1. Simon Johnson
  2. John Jumper
  3. James Robinson
  4. Daron Acemoglu
اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں

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