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Lord Byron
Lord Tennyson
Matthew Arnold
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The line " Ah, love, let us be true to one another " is from " Dover Beach " , a poem by Matthew Arnold .The poem reflects on the loss of faith and the uncertain nature of the world.
Dictionary meaning
Associative or emotive meaning
Referential meaning
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اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
Denotation refers to the literal or dictionary meaning of a word. In contrast, connotation (associative or emotive meaning) includes the feelings and ideas a word evokes.
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A lexicon is a person's mental dictionary containing all the words they know, including meanings and usage . It differs from a standard dictionary as it includes personal vocabulary and word associations.
It's not important
It can change a person's life
It doesn't matter
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Pygmalion highlights how education and language can transform an individual's social status and opportunities. The play illustrates this through Eliza Doolittle , who undergoes a dramatic change in speech and manners due to Professor Higgins' training.
Language is influenced by cognition and experience
Language is a social institution
Language is arbitrary
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اس سوال کو وضاحت کے ساتھ پڑھیں
Cognitive Linguistics emphasizes that language is shaped by human perception, thought processes, and real-world experiences. It rejects the idea of language as an autonomous system and instead links it to cognitive functions like categorization and metaphor.
Clipping, Bleeding, Conversion, Compounding
Conversion, Clipping, Compounding, Blending
Compounding, Blending, Conversion, Clipping
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Google (Conversion) : Originally a noun, " Google " became a verb meaning "to search online." Ad (Clipping) : Shortened from " advertisement ." Toothpaste (Compounding) : Formed by combining " tooth " and " paste ." Brunch (Blending) : A mix of " breakfast " and " lunch ."
Auditory Phonetics
Acoustic Phonetics
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Acoustic phonetics studies the physical properties of sound waves produced during speech, such as frequency, amplitude, and duration . It analyzes how speech sounds travel through the air. It can be measured using spectrograms .
John Austin
M.A.K Halliday
Roman Jakobson
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Roman Jakobson was a key figure in Prague School Linguistics , which emphasized the functional aspects of language. He contributed to structural functionalism , focusing on the phonological and grammatical structure of language.
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Neologism refers to the creation of new words or giving new meanings to existing words. Examples include " selfie " and " blog " , which were newly formed words in modern usage.
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Postmodern literature often includes parody, intertextuality, and metafiction to question reality and narrative structure. It emerged in the mid-20th century , challenging traditional storytelling techniques.